Poster for the movie "Fury"


If you are looking for a good war movie to watch and not feel like you wasted two hours, Fury is for you. It has a very shallow story/plot line but delivers a lot of good action back to back. There are a few awkward scenes in the movie where a sub plot was forced in. These are easily overlooked as the war time action and heroics pick back up.

Some will complain about some “historical inaccuracies” regarding the tanks of WWII. Remember this is a movie, not a documentary. They do hold to historical details such as the US Sherman tanks being severely outgunned by the German Tiger.

Brad Pitt as usual does a great job as a battle hardened leader, and the surrounding cast has a good variety of characters that the dynamic of the tank crew for the most part just works. The final battle scene, while over the top, will keep you entertained and wondering what happens right up until the end.

Grab this one at the RedBox or wait until it is available on Netflix. Not one I would purchase, unless it was really cheap on sale.

SideNote: I rented this on BluRay and it  makes me laugh that as picture quality has gone up, we make a concerted effort now to make it look old with filters and post processing.

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