This quick demo from the Angular team shows you how to easily and quickly implement service workers in Angular. They then go on to show you how to do OS notifications. It makes it fairly simple to create a Progressive Web App.
This quick demo from the Angular team shows you how to easily and quickly implement service workers in Angular. They then go on to show you how to do OS notifications. It makes it fairly simple to create a Progressive Web App.
You’ve been a good developer. You are using the Angular CLI for your projects in its purest form. There isn’t a super custom build process. Application development has been going along well and then you get the email, “Hey the site won’t load in IE11?”
Frantically you open up the site in IE. Nothing. You see a console error, and you think that isn’t in MY code. Ages go by as you mentally search through the code trying to figure out where you may have put some code that could be incompatible with IE. You remind yourself that Angular itself says that they work with IE11. Finding nothing you go to the internet.
You read this Stack Exchange article and breathe a sigh of relief. I just forgot to add in the heavy poly fills. Once again you mutter about how you cannot wait until IE finally dies.
As I’ve really started to use Visual Studio Code as my daily editor of choice, I can never remember all of the little tips and hints you hear on podcasts. Thankfully the VS Code team has a great little doc up that you can use to refresh your memory. I really like the tip of using the automated script to allow command line access on the Mac. I couldn’t remember how to do that.